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What Notifications are Sent?

Let's discuss what notifications will be sent based on your PINATA access! avatar
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Updated over 2 years ago

In this article, we will walk you through the notifications you will receive as a PINATA user based on specific platform actions + your subscription.

To learn more about turning on + off your Program Notification settings click HERE!

User Invitations

  • All Invited users will receive an invite email that includes a unique invite link to accept. To learn more about inviting users click HERE!

General Platform Updates

Note, all users with Program notifications turned on will receive the updates below via email.

  • A task has been created

  • Task details such as timing or location has been edited by a user

  • A task has been canceled

Power Dashboard Notifications

The PINATA Power Dashboard can be accessed at Below are all notifications that are sent to these users.

Task Approvals

  • A task submitted for approval by a Requestor (Managers will be notified)

Task Assignment

  • GoGetters have submitted applications for tasks

  • Unstaffed tasks are scheduled in the next 3-7 days

  • A task has been assigned to a GoGetter

Note, all users with Program notifications turned on will receive the updates above via email.

Task Verification

  • Tasks 3+ days old that need to be verified

  • A task report was verified

Note, all users with Program notifications turned on will receive the updates above via email.


  • An Invoice has been issued (The selected Billing Contact for the invoice will receive a notification to approve the invoice)

  • An Invoice has been approved (The selected Payee Contact will be notified of the invoice approval)

  • An Invoice was returned to Payee (An invoice has not been approved by the Payer + returned to the Payee to make adjustments indicated by the Payee)

GoGetter Notifications

The PINATA GoGetter Portal can be accessed at Below are all notifications that are sent to these users.

Task Requests

  • A task has been approved by a Manager

  • A task submitted for approval was rejected

  • A requested task was approved + scheduled

Note, the Requestor will be notified of the updates above via email.

Task Application

  • A task was posted for application to the entire company's roster (All of the company's GoGetters will receive a notification)

  • A task was posted for application to specific GoGetters (filtered criteria based on Distance Radius and/or GoGetter Tag(s) ) (All GoGetters that fit the filtered criteria will receive a notification)

Task Execution

  • 30 minutes prior to the start time of a scheduled task (The GoGetter assigned to the task will be notified to check-in by email + text)

  • At the end time of a scheduled task (If the assigned GoGetter did not already check- out, they will be reminded to check-out by email + text)

  • 3 hours after the scheduled task's end time (If the assigned GoGetter did not already check- out, they will be reminded to check-out by email + text)

Task Verification

  • A task's report was rejected by a manager (The assigned GoGetter will receive a notification)

  • A task's report was returned to user to make changes (The assigned GoGetter will receive a notification)

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