In this article, we will be covering how to create a new program. As a reminder, a program is a collection of tasks to help keep you organized. It allows you to set some high-level parameters to help you create tasks faster. Let's get to it!
Here are the steps to create a new program:
Select the programs dropdown at the top of your view.
Click Start Here at the bottom of the dropdown to begin a new program.
You will see the option to Start From Scratch or Copy From Existing Program. Select Copy From Existing Program if the program details are similar to an existing program
Fill out your program details:
Overview - Enter the program name (This is a required field).
Additional optional fields include a brief description, the states you’ll be operating in, and program groups [contact your account manager if you would like program groups turned on for your organization].
You can enter the program's date range and select if you would like the program to archive on the End Date. Pro Tip: the Start Date will make the program active at 12:00:00 AM EST on the selected start date. The End Date will make the program inactive at 11:59:00 PM PST on the selected end date.
If enabled, you can also add a Capacity Limit to the program. Once the capacity is met, the program will become inactive. When a program is inactive, no new task can be created.
Activities - Select the relevant reporting activities for this program (This section is required).
Customize Activities - Enter any specific requirements the user needs to meet for this program. This sets standard attire & responsibilities across all task within that program.
Products - Select the products for this program or add new ones. (This section is required). Pro tip: you can manage your product-specific training documents as well. Click here for more information about managing your products.
My Partners: Select the partners you'd like on this program as well as their hourly rate per Activity.
Program Partner: Partners with this permission see ALL tasks within the program, regardless of who is chosen as Task Manager.
Task Partner: Partners with this permission are chosen per task and only see the tasks assigned to them. They will not see other Partners in the program or tasks assigned to different Task Partners.
NOTE: Partners can invite THEIR OWN partners into the program as additional external staffing providers. Program Owners do not need to manage on their behalf! **Only Admins/Managers/Owners have the ability to add new partners. Members and Limited Users do not.
Program Logistics - If you're sending any special items for this program. Enter how they will get there.
End-User Education - Upload or select any relevant training materials.
Sharing & Notifications - Select who will be working on this program and who will receiving notifications.
Billing (If you're working with a partner) - Enter a billing contact.
Pro Tip: Only the products & activities selected will be available when creating a task. Don't worry if you missed one, you can edit programs to fit what you need after they've been created!