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How to Void/Reject an Invoice

Let's discuss how to void/reject an invoice on PINATA

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Written by Tech Support Specialist
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go over what it means to void or reject an invoice as well as how to do so!

Voiding can be done by the payee organization when the invoice is past the statuses of "Draft" + "Finalized". If an invoice is in "Draft" or "Finalized" it can be deleted using the trash can icon. If the payee org voids an invoice it will be moved to the Void tab. Select the circle-backslash icon to void an invoice as the payee org.

Rejecting can be done by the payer organization when the invoice is in the status, "Payer Reviewing". If the payer org rejects an invoice it will return to a draft-like status for changes to be made by the payee org. Select the thumbs down icon to reject an invoice as the payer org.

Pro tip: When viewing multiple invoices you can click the three dots under the magnifying glass to quickly reject or void an invoice. See the screenshots below.

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