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How to Manage Training Documents

Let's discuss how to manage your team's training materials on PINATA

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Written by PINATA Tech Support
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll cover how to manage the training documents uploaded to PINATA.

Training documents can be uploaded to various sections on PINATA. They can be added to specific products, specific gigs, or to programs as a whole. Let's cover how to add a document to each one of these sections!

Product Training Documents

  1. Select My Company in the top right of the dashboard

  2. Select the Products section

  3. Search for the product

  4. Select the blue drop-down arrow

  5. Select Edit

  6. Select the checkbox to "Add product-specific training documents?"

  7. Select an existing training document or upload a new one

You can add as many documents as you'd like. The process for removing a training document from a product is exactly the same, just unselect the documents that was previously added. Here's how that screen appears:

Program Training Documents

  1. Select the program you want to add a document too

  2. Select the Overview Tab

  3. Scroll down and select Education

  4. Select the blue pencil icon to edit

  5. Select an existing document or upload a new one

  6. Select Save & Continue

The process to remove a document is the same process, just unselect the documents you no longer want. Here's how that section appears:

Gig Training Documents

  1. Select the program you wish to create a gig for

  2. Select Create Gigs in the top right corner

  3. Fill out the details of the gig as normal

  4. Select the "Upload" button in the documents section

  5. Select a file from your computer to upload

  6. Select Save

Here are the steps to add a document to an existing gig:

  1. Select the gig you wish to edit by using the magnifying glass icon

  2. Select Gig Attachments

  3. Select the "Upload" button in the documents section

  4. Select a file from your computer to upload

  5. Select Save

To remove an existing training document from a gig, follow these steps but simply click the trash can icon next to the document to remove it. Here's how that looks:

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